Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Hmm... Normally, I would do a little sentence to "break the ice", if you will. Well, it's a bit late for that...

First, I would like to tell you that this is my blog. It is about the weirdest of words, and some words for things you didn't know had names, like Akimbo.


Akimbo is just the technical term for  --  you guessed it--  Having your hands on your hips.  Most commonly used as "Arms Akimbo", it is the real word for something we all do every day!

History of the phrase:  Akimbo was first used in the c. 1400 story, "The Tales of Beryn."  "The Hoost... Set his hond in kenebow..."     "In Kenebow" is thought to have originated from the Icelandic term in keng boggin, meaning "bent into a crook," basically meaning Bent.  And, as you can tell, your arms are definitely bent when you have them Akimbo.  So, how it turned from In Keng Boggin to Akimbo, I have no idea.

Another possibility of the word's origin is from the language of the Kongo.  "Bakimbo" is the Bakongan  word for Akimbo.  It is believed that the Bakongan guards stood their posts with their arms on their hips. These guards were called the "Bakhinga"  So, yes, that does mean that the "Bakongan Bakhinga stood Bakimbo."

Oh, and there's also a band called AKIMBO. They have a song called the RockNess Monster. Please don't make me review it. Please.

Next Week's Word: Petrichor
Please don't look it up before hand. You can wait 7 days.