So, uh... 3 words this weeks. They're words with relatively short backstories, so I figured I should give a few.
A Sesquipedalian has two meanings. One of the meanings can be applied to about 75% of the words I have so endearingly taught you, because it means "A long word, a word with many syllables." I really like this definition, because it comes from the Latin word, sesquipedalis, which means "A foot and a half, 18 inches." So basically, a word that is Sesquipedalian is 18 inches long. The other meaning of Sesquipedalian is, simply, one who likes long words. A good example of this is Josh. Josh is a Sesquipedalian who likes Sesquipedalian words.
Eggcorn. This word, coming to me from one of my friends, and is a real word, sounds a lot like acorn, right? Oddly enough, that's how it got its name. Because it sounds like another word. Eggcorn is a typo that makes sense, though the wrong word was used. For example, if someone is hitting on you, they are also hotting on you. (This happened to me a few weeks ago... The typo, not the being hit on. When does that ever happen?) Anyways, Eggcorns are a lot like other sesquipedalian words, like Mondegreen, (A misheard lyric in a song), and Malapropisms. (Using words incorrectly, because they sound alike.) My favorite example of a mondegreen is "Sunday Monkey Won't Play Piano Song.*" A malapropism is something like "He put out the fire with a fire distinguisher." It's basically an Eggcorn, but auditory.
I must admit, I find myself Denominalising words a lot. Denominalisation is "Using a word that is a noun as a verb." I really only use this when talking about the computer. "Yeah. I Facebooked for only about 5 hours today. "New Record: Low!"
I'll probably do a few words next week, but I'm not sure what all of them will be. But I know for a fact that one will be Lethologica.
*I will give you extra points if you can name the song this actually is, without looking it up.