What a great word, Wintercearig. (Win-ter-sherry) I'm sure that you can guess what this adjective means, but can other people?
Mom: A Gaelic word. A jaunty, frolicky manner
Dad: Dark and Gloomy
Kevin: Having snowman-like features
Justin: Dressed with respect to the season
Jessie: Someone who goes down chimneys. (I think she didn't want to create an adjective.)
Kimmy: Disappointing, in reference to when it rains (as opposed to snowing)
Then again, I am very Wintercearig when it snows and, I mean, you have to go out in the snow, right? But then you come back in and you sit your bones down by the fire, but you're still cold on the inside... And that kinda sucks. You know what else puts me in a Wintercearig mood? The greediness that lies within all people during the Christmas shopping season.
Anyway, Wintercearig.
This word comes to us with many thanks to Alemania, rather, Germany. I mean, I'm guessing you can figure out what Winter means... But the Cearig? Where does that come from? Well, it actually derives from the Proto-Germanic* root Karagaz, which means Anxious or Wary. What's more, the English word Chary, which also means Wary.
So yeah. Wintercearig.
*The most "recent" version of the language
Pro-Tip: Compliment/Thank all your cashiers whenever you go shopping because they probably had a really rough day!!!
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