Ramose is a relatively common word. I've heard of it before, so it's not too weird, but I am really glad this words exists. It simply means "Consisting of, or having, branches." Now, you're probably immediately thinking of a tree, and so did I. But after doing some research, I found that it meant something more along the lines of Branchy Sponges or Corals.
It comes from Latin, as many of the words on this blog do. Ramosus "branched" can also be found in words like Ramify, meaning to form branches.
Pomaceous is a really interesting word and I'm so glad I found it. It means "of, or relating to, apples" like who would have thought such a word existed?
It comes, yet again, from the Latin language. Pomum means Apple. You may have heard of pears being referred to as part of the Pome family, which is not wrong. Recently, the word has taken the meaning of something that is shaped like a pear.
It was created by an American, actually. That's so rare on this blog! Edward Baynard was a physician, of all professions. He claimed "apples and pomaceous juices, are the greatest pectorals."
And now, what is my favorite word of this blog? Personally I like the word nosegay. There's so many things it could mean, so I'm sure you couldn't just guess. So I'll tell you.
A nosegay is actually a small bunch of flowers! This word also originated in English, but not America. Back in the 1400's, nose still meant what it means today. But gay did not mean what it means today, or even what it meant in the 19th century. Back then, instead of meaning happy, gay meant decorated and ornamented. So a nosegay is representational of a decorated nose! How fun!
So go! Use your newfound knowledge of natural words! Pick a nose...gay... Eat some pomaceous fruit!
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