Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sesquipedalian, Eggcorn, and Denominalisation

So, uh... 3 words this weeks. They're words with relatively short backstories, so I figured I should give a few.

A Sesquipedalian has two meanings.  One of the meanings can be applied to about 75% of the words I have so endearingly taught you, because it means "A long word, a word with many syllables."  I really like this definition, because it comes from the Latin word, sesquipedalis, which means "A foot and a half, 18 inches." So basically, a word that is Sesquipedalian is 18 inches long.  The other meaning of Sesquipedalian is, simply, one who likes long words.  A good example of this is Josh.  Josh is a Sesquipedalian who likes Sesquipedalian words.

Eggcorn. This word, coming to me from one of my friends, and is a real word, sounds a lot like acorn, right? Oddly enough, that's how it got its name. Because it sounds like another word.  Eggcorn is a typo that makes sense, though the wrong word was used.  For example, if someone is hitting on you, they are also hotting on you. (This happened to me a few weeks ago... The typo, not the being hit on. When does that ever happen?)  Anyways, Eggcorns are a lot like other sesquipedalian words, like Mondegreen, (A misheard lyric in a song), and Malapropisms. (Using words incorrectly, because they sound alike.)  My favorite example of a mondegreen is "Sunday Monkey Won't Play Piano Song.*"  A malapropism is something like "He put out the fire with a fire distinguisher." It's basically an Eggcorn, but auditory.

I must admit, I find myself Denominalising words a lot.  Denominalisation is "Using a word that is a noun as a verb." I really only use this when talking about the computer. "Yeah. I Facebooked for only about 5 hours today.  "New Record: Low!"

I'll probably do a few words next week, but I'm not sure what all of them will be. But I know for a fact that one will be Lethologica.

*I will give you extra points if you can name the song this actually is, without looking it up.

Monday, February 10, 2014

More Words for Singles' Awareness Day...

So, as a continuation of last week's blog... I give you more words to use on your significant other this "Fake Attention and Friends" Day:
    Forelske: A Danish word, meaning To Fall in Love. I love how it's a single word, as opposed to English, where we need 4 words to get the point across.  (I forelskede (past tense) with food a few days ago.)
     This next really wonderful word comes from the Hindi Language.  Jaaneman (जानेमन) is a gender-neutral word that is the equivalent of Honey, or Sweetheart. It's a term of endearment that literally means "Soul of Me," rather, Soulmate.
     Everybody knows that French is an incredibly romantic language. And that's pretty much proven in the phrase, la douleur exquise, literally, the Loving Pain. And that's basically what it means. "The Heart-wrenching pain of wanting the affection of someone unobtainable."
     The Yiddish language gives us the word b'shert:
    So, the Portuguese have this whole Love thing down. Saudade, which literally translates to yearning, is given a much deeper meaning. Used in context correctly, it can mean "A nostolgic feeling of wanting someone who has gone and lost. A love that remains."  I think America needs to get their act together when it comes to romantic words.
   I don't know where this word comes from, but to Mimp is to talk affectionately, or to purse the lips.

And, just to relate to anyone lonely this Friday:
    A Boreist is someone who could make you fall asleep on a first date. Someone really boring. Going on and on and on and on about their lives. Never going into detail. Not forming full sentances. People who spell "sentences" wrong.  People that resemble this definition.
     Accismus is when you pretend to not be interested in something or someone, when really, you can't imagine a life without them in it.
     And, many lonely people will be Heimgangers on Friday night. Yes. They are the people that stay sitting at home.

 To Quagswag (Which is really the best part of the word...) something means you shake it back and forth.

So, enjoy your Forced Romance Day. I wish you many good Red Paper Crap days in the future.
I'd like to thank this site right here: Valentine's Day Alternatives, along with

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Some Lovely Words for Singles Awareness Month

In celebration of Valentine's Day next week, I figure that both this and next blog posts should revolve around love words.  Because I can.
So, here are a few words you can use on your significant other on the Artificial Holiday with very strong commercial overtones:

Koinoyokan, sometimes Koi No Yokan, is a Japanese phrase with no literal English translation, but I really wish there was.  It translates directly to Feeling of Love, but I think Japan has it stated in a better way. Koinoyokan is that sense inside you that, when you meet someone knew, you perhaps will fall in love with them uncontrollably. And I think that's deserving of putting in this blog.
Sphallolalia is a word that I think we can all relate to at some point or another. "σφάλλω", in Greek, means to stumble or trip up, and λαλιά means "To talk". So, sphallolalia is a flirtatious talk that leads nowhere.  <<See: 85% of Men in Bars>>

Twitterpated was a word first used in the Disney movie Bambi, simply meaning "Love-struck." "Nearly everybody gets twitterpated in the springtime. For example, you're walking along minding your own business, you're looking neither to the left, nor to the right, when all of the sudden, you run smack into a pretty face." -The Owl from Bambi

And just some quick definitions:
Redamancy, an English word, gives a "return-the-favor" meaning, actually, Loving back the one that loves you.  Can we start using this one more often?
Forelsket is a Norwegian word, describing the jubilant, euphoric feeling that you get when falling in love.
Cafune is a Brazilian word for running your fingers through your lover's hair. Man, Brazilians are smooth...