Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Floccinaucinihilipilification! (Flock-i-now-sini-heeli-pili-fication)

This weeks word is really hard to pronounce, and I will probably never use it in conversation, because it is so long.  This word is Floccinaucinihilipilification. and, though difficult, is incredibly fun to say. Try it.
When I asked other people in the general vicinity what they thought it means:
Mom: The act of Plucking out eyebrows
Jessie:  Shaving a poodle

So, Floccinaucinihilipilification actually is a word that means "The estimation of something as worthless." So, if you thought that all the letters in this word are pointless, then you are Floccinaucinihilipilificating it. I know. It's weird.

The word Floccinaucinihilipilification is relatively new, from a few years ago.  Some students from Eton College, in England, created the word as a joke, and as an autological word. An autological word is a word that means exactly what it describes. ("Noun" is a noun, the word "short" is a short word.) So, all the letters in Floccinaucinihilipilification are worthless, unneeded, and pointless.

As previously stated, the word originated in Eton College. Students created the word, mainly just because they could. They took a phrase from the Eton Latin Grammar book, which read "Flocci, nauci, nihili, pili, assis, hujus, teruncii, his verbis, aestimo, pendo, facio, peculiariter adduntur.*" They added on -fication to the end, and entered it into the dictionary!

To use it in a sentence:
"He Flo
ccinaucinihilipilificated my art and took it out of the museum, even though it was made from bottle caps, cans, and locks of hair!"

*According to Google, this means "Tuft, 
of no account, of no account, the hair, halfpenny, of this, at a farthing, in these words, I imagine, to value, I do, that are added to a particular way to"

1 comment:

  1. So.. anyone can make up a word. I sense a project in the making.
